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Modern Woodmen of America, Rock Island, IL

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8 Ways to Help Your Community

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If you’re a Modern Woodmen member, you could be eligible for a Do-Good Grant®. This creative fraternal program gives you $200 in seed money to conduct a small, hands-on volunteer project with your family and friends.

Try these real-life Do-Good Grant® project ideas

1. Bake homemade cat and dog treats for an animal shelter.


Leah Kelly, a member from Anaheim, California, shared her Do-Good Grant® with residents of a senior care facility she manages. Together, the group prepared batches of treats for a local animal shelter during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We were 100 days into lockdown in California and were getting bored with puzzles and coloring books,” says Leah. “It was wonderful to carve out a day to do good – not only for the shelter animals but for our residents.”



2. Remember someone special by doing a project in their honor.


Member Ashley Ash from Saint Nazianz, Wisconsin, wanted to honor her father, who passed away June 2020. With her Do-Good Grant® – and some friends and neighbors – she adopted the highway in front of his farm. The group held their first highway cleanup project that October, and they plan to make it an annual tradition.

“My dad always had a willingness to help others,” says Ashley. “I wanted to do something special to keep his memory alive.”



3. Support community beautification by planting flowers.


Member Juli Hughes and friends used the Do-Good Grant® to arrange potted plants along Main Street in Ackerman, Mississippi. The project helped a beautification campaign to attract visitors.





4. Buy supplies for an early learning center.

DGG-project-ideas_Ohio_634x580.jpgThe early learning center in Cleveland Heights brings kindness to the neighborhood. Member Samantha Yost used the Do-Good Grant® to return that kindness. She used the $200 to purchase a portable sensory table. Remaining funds went toward items to fill the table, such as pom poms, rice and small toys. Then the volunteer crew set up a sensory experience for students of all ages.

“Sensory exploration is a great way to entertain children, and the benefits are endless,” says Samantha. "There were so many happy little faces."


5. Spread joy with painted rocks.


Member Teresa Cruz and her two kids used the Do-Good Grant® to promote positivity within their community.  They painted rocks with positive messages and hid them around the Plymouth, Wisconsin area, using the Do-Good Grant® to purchase the supplies. They also cleaned up the parks where they hid the rocks!




6. Plan events for area seniors.


Member Emma Jean Dees from Pensacola, Florida, is a regular volunteer at the local community center. She received funding from the Do-Good Grant® to hosta series of programs for area seniors at the center. 

Participants have enjoyed her food, crafts (including homemade handkerchiefs), simple recipe demonstrations, exercises, games and more.

“They’re so grateful when you take time to spend time with them,” says Emma. “They just want someone to listen.”


7. Restore a local playground.


Member Haley MacDonald wanted to restore a local playground in Reynolds, Illinois, for kids and families to have a safe, clean and bright place to play. She turned to the Do-Good Grant® for help. Together with her family They pulled weeds, trimmed trees, and raked sand. When local business caught wind of their plans, they donated additional money to the project, allowing them to install a brand-new merry-go-round.

“I found that people genuinely want to help others,” says Haley. “Sometimes we just need a spark to motivate us.”


8. Create handmade crafts to bring comfort to others.


Member Michelle Welch has been a NICU nurse for 3 years. During that time, she’s seen premature infants need oxygen, feeding tubes, and other medical equipment to aid in their growth and development before they’re ready to go home. The infants have a habit of pulling on the life-saving equipment. Using money from the grant, she created crochet octopuses for them to hold on to instead.

“I helped distribute them around the NICU and saw the babies grab on to them,” says Michelle. “The parents and staff were very appreciative. They loved how cute and unique each one was.”

Ready to apply?

Log in to your member account at member.modernwoodmen.org. Find Do-Good Grant® under the Fraternal Benefits tab.

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Do-Good Grant®
Fraternal program

Do-Good Grant®

Members can apply to receive $200 in seed money to coordinate a small-scale volunteer project with family and friends. Modern Woodmen will award a limited number of grants per year on a first-come, first-served basis.